诚博涂料依托集团的较好的技术,多年来一直追求卓越的产品品质,这种传统延续至今已超过100年,这对于公司的领导者-几代的化学家在研究、发展和应用技术上都产生了巨大的影响。大型的研发装备、现代化的实验室和分析设备,使研究人员能充分发挥他们的创新意念,以确保诚博的产品体系位于涂料科技进步的前列。所有产品研发都将在极端恶劣的条件下进行测试,如炎热,霜冻,水蒸气和对心脏、肾脏具有危害性的水污染。只有确定各项质量参数达到以上目标要求,新的产品才会正式投入生产。另外一个研究重点是不断创新环保和健康的产品。所以诚博作为水性环保建筑涂料领域的先驱发明了能保证质量等级E.L.F(无气味和无溶剂)涂... 离不开技术创新能力的不断提高。在技术上的精益求精,是诚博为客户提供精品的保障。
R & D:
Edelweiss coatings based on advanced technology group, has been the pursuit of excellence in product quality, this tradition continues to this day more than 100 years, which is the company's leaders - several generations of chemists in the research, development and application of technology have had a an enormous impact. Large-scale R & D equipment, modern laboratory and analysis equipment, so that researchers can give full play to their innovative ideas to ensure that the product system Edelweiss is located in the forefront of scientific and technological progress paint. All products will be developed under conditions of extreme testing, such as heat, frost, water vapor and the heart, kidneys, damaging pollution. Only determine the quality parameters of the requirements to achieve these objectives, the new product will be formally put into production. Another study focused on continuous innovation of environmental protection and health products. So Edelweiss building as environmentally friendly water-based paint a pioneer in the field of the invention can guarantee the quality and grade of ELF (unscented and non-solvent) coated ... can not be separated from technological innovation and continuous improvement in capacity. The technical excellence of our products to provide customers with protection.
诚博涂料一向认为环境保护是一个高价值的课题。 1985年,诚博涂料在全球率先推出无有害气体释放和不含溶剂的内墙产品。诚博涂料作为产品质量的领导者,不仅仅意味着生产和推广革新优质的产品。更重要的是,坚持环保且低原料消耗的生产原则。为此,诚博的生产基地采用较好的生产工艺,并取得了各级权威机构的环保认证。基于自我标准和行业标准,对原料和成品的质量进行严密监控,以保证每一桶标有诚博涂料标志的产品成为高品质的象征。伴随着高投资的环境保护成本,诚博涂料的生产设施也会不断更新,目的为确保涂料在生产过程中的环保。
Edelweiss paint has always held that environmental protection is a high-value issue. In 1985, Edelweiss coating pioneered in the world without the release of harmful gases and non-solvent product of the interior walls. Edelweiss paint product quality as a leader, not only means that the production and promotion of innovative quality products. More importantly, adhere to environmental protection and the production of low raw material consumption principle. To this end, our production base in the most advanced production technology, and has made environmental protection authorities at all levels of certification. Based on self-standards and industry standards, the quality of raw materials and finished to closely monitor to ensure that each barrel paint signs marked Edelweiss products to become a symbol of high quality. Accompanied by high investment costs of environmental protection, Edelweiss paint production facilities will continue to update To ensure that the process of coating in the production of environmental protection.
